For Railroad Engineers and Conductors, do you get a kick out of knowing your making people wait for your train?

I was looking at some of my photos and I was wondering how much of a kick you locomotive conductors/engineers or any other railroad personel that run big trains when you know you're going to make motorists extremely mad that the crossings. And when you can tell they're mad, what have they done?


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Nope.I get paid by the mile.When i go to work i want to get from point A to point B as fast as possible.If i'm sitting at a crossing stopped it's not good for me or the people waiting.We try never to block crossings but sometimes we can't avoid it.We certainly don't get a kick out of it though.I had a guy get out of his car and start yelling at me that he was going to beat me up! I've had rocks thrown at me too.


Don't. If the gates are closed in opposition to the street, that suggests a instruct is coming. You might suppose you've time to circumvent across the gates, however trains transfer faster than your automobile does. They additionally take many years to give up. You won't listen the instruct coming till it is too overdue. If you're using and there's a unexpected obstruction forward, you'll be able to do an emergency brake and are available to a stand in a couple of yards. Not so the instruct, which will take as much as one million mile to give up even in an emergency. Sadly there are a quantity of persons each and every 12 months who fail to remember those details and take a look at to run the gates. You can learn approximately them within the obituary columns of the newspapers. Also please suppose of the engineer, who's accountable for the protection of the instruct and has to manage it if there's a deadly twist of fate. Many engineers undergo anxious breakdown for this reason and a few not ever return to the activity.

Samurai Hoghead2010-08-20T21:53:10Z

No kick at all.

We all WANT to keep moving instead of tying things up, the faster the better. The sooner we get to where we're going the better, and ya don't do that blocking crossings.

But I know of a guy who came under gunfire after blocking a crossing for what someone thought was too long. Lost the air and it couldn't be helped. But most all of us have been told we're number one a lot. But why doesn't anyone use their index finger?

Sir Jam2010-08-20T21:25:14Z

If people want trains to operate, then motorists have to yield at crossings, otherwise the train cannot pass. Why should railroad staff feel anything about it - they are not children "Hey look, I'm making the cars wait". They are mature people doing their job


I feel bad about it! I mean especially during switching when we have to stop on the crossings for a period of time. We know you're on your way to work or on you're way home to see you're kids rest assured we don't stop there because we want to mess with you we stop because have have to stop there to complete our job so please don't honk at us or flip us off that just makes us feel worse.