having issues going back on birth control?

hi ladies, my daughter is 15 weeks today and i am finally feeling fine again and back to normal. my husband and i have been having sex without contraception (i know this is stupid) so i have got the bcp mini pill. i keep meaning to start taking it but i dont want to! i dont think i really want to get pregnant again but after ttc for so long i feel weird preventing pregnancy! do you know what i mean or should i just take the pill and shut up?!


i exclusively breastfeed her and have taken opk's have yet to have a positive.


Yes I almost got a copper iud but I don't want one. I'm not concerned with how effective the pill is etc I understand all that. My qu is more to do with how much I hate the idea of preventing pregnancy. Even though I know we can't have another one yet


I would be delighted to fall pregnant again. it would be scary but i would be happy. my husband is not ready for another and i know that it is kinder on my body to give myself a year and of course it would be hard with a 13 month age gap.. yet somehow i keep hoping i am pregnant.


Favorite Answer

I so know how you feel, I feel the same! Not quite ready for another baby but hate the idea of preventing one too. I too am on the minipill (dont really know why though because we hardly ever have sex!) and what I like about it compared with the 'normal' pill is that it doesnt effect your cycle so you just continue to take it throughout your period. So what Im trying to say is that when you are ready to have nunber two you just stop taking the mini pill and your body should be ready straight away (depending on your fertility of course)
I had a friend who accidently got preg 2 and half months after giving birth and although she had a perfectly healthy baby at the end of it she had a terrible pregnancy because her internal muscles hadnt tightened up properly so her baby sat very low the whole pregnancy and she was in a lot of pain, so it doespay to wait a bit longer if you can.
Look fwd to comparing TWW signs with you again in the future X

Mummy of 1 x2010-08-23T06:06:19Z

After having my daughter I was petrified of becoming pregnant again, we started having sex after 4 weeks and were strict with condoms at first, but it was all to easy after a glass of wine to not use them. I didn't want to go back on the pill as it hadn't worked first time around and knew with a baby in tow I would all to easily forget to take it. I opted for a IUS (mirena coil), and it was a good choice now I do not have to take anything and I do not have to worry about pregnancy either, it has had both good and bad reviews, but it works for me.


I am very completely happy with my IUD. I have the copper IUD, and it harm like hell while I had it inserted, however best for the reason that I have not ever been pregnant. I do have moderate cramps earlier than my interval, and it's kind of heavier, however it is very freeing, in comparison to the loopy temper swings, top blood stress, and the entire different part results the tablet, the patch and the hoop gave me. IUDs in these days are a lot more unique than IUDs within the eighty's


The main issue is not if it is kinder on your body but on the unborn child. The newborn is more likely to be born too soon, too small, or with a low birth weight and may not grow well and is more likely to die before the age of five if conceived within six months of the last birth. The risks are similar but less pronounced if you conceive again within two years of giving birth. Personally I couldn't do that to my child, I'd always blame myself if something went wrong...


"i keep meaning to start taking it but i dont want to"

Well, make up your mind! These are human lives we're talking about! If you want another one, great, if you don't want another one (yet) then get on the pill. Simple as that.

Do you want to get pregnant RIGHT NOW or not?

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