Should Atheists live and let live, just as any Religion should?

Why should any Religion, or any non believer try to influence the other. Would the world be much better off, if we just lived our lives with whatever beliefs we have, either in a God or In a Rock. If that is what we believe, and don't push it off on somebody else.


Well, our having God in our Government and our Schools, never hurt us. Until the Politically Correct nut cakes started all their crap. So now its OK to be against anything that is anti God. Our Country was founded in the Belief in a high being having given support of our efforts. So that being was God. But the Atheists believe in no Deity, of any kind. But think because others do, that everybody else is wrong. And the only thing to do is destroy, others beliefs, in the contents that They are the only enlightens ones The comment about the Rock, was just to set a point, That you can believe in anything you like, as long as you don't try to enforce that belief on somebody else as a matter of you having that right, or that is the only truth out there.


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This country was built and based on freedom and our forefathers and ancestors belief in God.
God is in the pledge of allegence, the nation anthem, they made sure that the right to believe in God and anything else you might choose to believe was in the Constitution.
For people to say that Christians are trying to 'take over' and make laws to make them believe in God is preposterous, this country and its laws was built on faith in God.

You have the right to not believe, nobody is trying to make you believe in anything you don't want to....but it's there for a reason.
Live and let live...

If all the children go to school and learn about the theory of evolution, I don't understand why we can't have all the children to also learn about God. God is a very important part of the history of the United States of America,


Because when your religion starts going around and mass murdering people because they don't accept that rock as God and that rock told them to destroy all non-believers, then we have a bit of a problem.

Oh, and Atheists don't believe in God, so think all theists are wrong. Religious people, like Christians, not only believe all theists are wrong (excluding themselves), but also that Atheists are wrong. Then they think the way to deal with it is to kill or convert anyone who thinks otherwise. This had been documented in history for thousands of years. Whereas Atheists aren't known for going around and committing genocide on all those that believe in God. Beliefs lead people to action, disbelief does not.


That's right; however, I don't see what atheists have to do with it. I've not had a single one come round to my house to try to convert me.
If you mean on this site though, then no. At least, not in the "Let's not find flaws, let's just accept each other." way. The entire purpose of this section is to discuss religion, and for discussion exist then disagreement and arguing your point must also exist. I'm fine with discussion so long as it's not forced on anyone; everyone here deliberately came to this section to discuss religious beliefs.


This would be the obvious and ideal choice in the way of life among societies. However, it can never be as too many people feel pride in their choices and beliefs and cannot handle another view point on the same points. Also, power has great control in these subjects.

Peace would be wonderful... but sadly, highly doubtful.

Arantheal  2010-08-23T13:36:26Z

"either in a God or In a Rock"

See, this is why you can't leave everyone to just believe what they want. 'Coz if you don't exercise your right to free speech just because someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say you'll end up with people who hold all kinds of crazy views.

For example, you think atheists believe "in a rock". Well you're darn demonstrably wrong on that.

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