Is building that Mosque so close to Ground Zero, as slap in the face to those who died, or those who survived.?
I say its not an issue of Religious Freedom. That is a given, under our Constitution. They have the right to build any house of worship, no matter what religion it is. But what the problem is, its not in good taste or judgment. This Imam, and his Muslim and non Muslim backers could care less what we the American people think, or feel. They want a monument to a tragic victory, and that is all. I say, that until the Greek Orthodox Church that was leveled in ground zero is rebuilt, that if they want a Mosque that they build it at least 2 miles away from ground zero, if at all. I also say that this Imam and his wife are no bridge builders, and that we should not be funding his trips to the Middle East, nor should he be representing us in any way. And that Sharia Law has no place in the US at all. We have our own laws, for our own country. If those Muslims who want it here, let them return to a country that uses Islamic Law to control its people. The only reason I entered this in this section, is because the proponents insist its a religious matter, instead of the political one they made it.
I guess that nobody has an answer, or comment. In which case I would say they don't care, or have no idea what to say one way or the other.