what's the weight and height of your 6 month old?

My baby girl is 22lb 15oz and 30 inches.

Shadow hunter2010-08-24T14:19:48Z

Favorite Answer

My 6 month old is 19lb and 29 inches.

Mommy <32010-08-24T20:49:23Z

My son is almost 6 mo will be on 9/11 he was 18 pounds and 18 inches at his last appointment.


My 6 month old is 16lbs and 27 inches long.


My baby boy is around 19lb and 28 and half inches long.

Proud mama to a little girl<32010-08-24T21:54:37Z

Hailey weighs 14.7lbs and is 25 inches long. She is a little girl :) but doctor said she is right one track

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