Yahoo, why does my level change depending on what page I open. this morning it said I was level 2, and now it?

says I am level 1.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2010-08-27T13:42:20Z

Favorite Answer

Have you been asking questions? Level 2 starts at 250 total points. If you reach that level, then ask questions (which deduct points), you will drop below the threshold - and become Level 1 again.

For info about scoring, points and levels:;_ylt=Akh0zFadlSU2Uvg80g_cl7T59xd.
Or click the ABOUT tab at top of page, select the Points & Levels page there.
Here are HELP links with lots more helpful info:;_ylt=Ao9Jjvs43ZaDsahbr.SMU2E_zKIX


Level 2 starts at 250 points. If you asked questions & fell below 250, you went back to level 1. You're at 280 now and solidly in level 2 territory.

Y!A levels are totally point driven.


Richard K2010-08-27T13:43:22Z

you asked questions they each cost you 2 points, stop asking, start answering more.;_ylt=As0iVCn3atjuIe_viOK0UsUazKIX;_ylv=3