Internet dating question?

How to I suggest that I want to webcam or phone an internet friend?

I think I'm kind of starting to like him...
would really like to talk to him more 'properly'.
I don't want to freak him out though


Favorite Answer

Just ask him. He may feel uncomfortable but if you really like him you're going to have to do it eventually. It's not like he's going to dump you or hate you if you ask. :p

Trickz S2010-08-27T23:45:20Z

Say to him its easier to talk on the phone would you like to exchange numbers?

and for webcam say Hey i want to show you something and then switch your webcam on :)


Give him a message or video webcam, but remember hold on and be careful


He's a guy...he'll go for any cam-action.

Dudes are visual creatures. You don't really have to be subtle with this. Unless you're absolutely heinous, which could lead to less-than-stellar results for your evening.


dont be afraiid to ask, the worst thing he could say is that he's not ready for that and at least you'll know and if he likes you then i'm sure he will agree to it!

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