Will your wii???????

Stream video, play dvds, play mp3's, or load games through the usb ports? Mine does.

☮Earl Hickey☮2010-08-27T20:50:11Z

Favorite Answer

spending 2 much time with your wii dude
I think you need help


"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed."
-Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
He's right. Hacking your Wii is nothing to brag about. Thousands of people do it.

Computer Haxor2010-08-28T18:49:52Z

Thats nothing. Mine has all boots. I haven't bought a single game and I have 600+ Games. :)
Oh, and I do have a life.


It's very easy, everyone can do it using Homebrew channel. Read this popular lens to learn how to do it yourself: http://www.squidoo.com/can-the-wii-play-dvds


Wow, I just dont get y hackers do things llike this... D=< shame on u!

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