Can you replace the hard drive on a Ps3?

Im getting a ps3 soon, and i wanted to Know. Can you buy another hard drive and use it if the original gets full?? Because if you can, im naturally going to get a one with a smaller hard drive, but if you cant, than i might have to get a more expensive one?

The Doctor2010-08-28T10:24:45Z

YES, all PS3's HDD can be swapped out. All you need is a 2.5" SATA with 5400rpm (these are basically all laptop hard drives). I've done it myself and its pretty simple, but if you want to see how its done just youtube it there are lots of videos of people doing it.


Yes you can but make sure you put the PLAYSTATION3 operating system on it, i'm not 100% how to do it, but theres informaiton on how to do it online.


yes the ps3 HDD is replaceable there a tons of tutorials in youtube here is one thanks for ur question i hope it helps