Christians and Atheist: Why not be calm and respects each others belief instead of banging each other can you?

Christians and Atheist are banging each other through this Yahoo Answer. I think this is a shame. Why not just be firm on your stand. You are showing your true color by doing this. How can you convert me on your beliefs and principle if you continue to do this and not only me I think, can you do this, if not, better stop throwing unnecessary to each other. It's a shame to both of you.

Am I right?2010-08-29T11:49:08Z

Favorite Answer

Christians are ordered to give answers for what they believed and the why of their beliefs. Christians are also commanded, ordered to preach, teach the Gospel, the good news of Jesus to all the world. We call it the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20. We are commissioned, ordered to bring the Gospel of Jesus to all. EVERYBODY.

We don't want to disobey God's commands.
The Gospel is good news. When you have good news you want to share it. With EVERYBODY.


maximum atheists do understand alternative ideals - as long as they are actually not predicted to stay via them. some examples - atheist toddlers forced to attend on a regular basis worship in colleges (uk) - and can in basic terms be bumped off with parental consent - and then omit out on college assembly and are often made to sense a nuisance and the full technique sounds like a punishment. gay people being victimised via religious communities and made to sense that they are 'sinners', could stay a celibate existence - prepared on a god that many do no longer have faith in. Politicians attempting to get extra religious training onto the college timetable (ie, making it a vital component to the Baccalaureate. lower back, pushing their ideals on others. As an atheist, I in basic terms prefer to stay my existence and enable my new child strengthen up in a manner the place she isn't pushed into any concept shape till she is previous and smart adequate to make up her very own ideas. i do no longer prefer to be preached too, have people knocking on my door uninvited to chat approximately their god. this is intrusive and shows a loss of understand for people who do no longer help their perspectives.


I would love to respect their beliefs but they don't even respect them when they blow them selves and every about them to smithereens because , they want to get to heaven in a hurry, where is their respect for the billions of people who do not base their lives on whimsical beliefs but live life as if it is the only one you will have .


I can't respect those beliefs. I can respect individuals who treat me with respect. I've got a FUNDIE fundie on my contacts because she has been respectful of me. Respect for people? Yeah. Respect for outdated myths that act to impede the philosophical and spiritual advancement of humanity? Not so much.

And my personal true color is that I would like to see the end of violence. Period. That's my biggest driving force in life. Religion is the single largest cause of violence in the history of humanity, I won't ever stop exposing it for what it is.


I have no problem with Christians themselves, just their religion.

Religion divides humanity and causes needless suffering.

We must do something about it, if we are going to progress as a species.

But that doesn't mean personal attacks.

I can't force Christians to accept the natural world around them, which is completely devoid of supernatural magical beings... they have to do it for themselves.

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