POLL: What do you think of the Star Wars voices for your navigation device?
If you like, do you prefer Yoda or Darth?
If you like, do you prefer Yoda or Darth?
Favorite Answer
they have that?! omg that's so cool! lol I would totally want one with Darth Vader's voice
Scotty Doesnt Know
I think its awesome that Facebook appears to be more open these days.
I like Darth Vader, but when I actually downloaded the trial for my TomTom, I was disappointed with the lack of authenticity of the actual product. The promo spot on YouTube sounds much more like James Earl Jones than does the product on TomTom.
Invstrgadget Loves Kim Possible
I've seen commercials for those for awhile now and I think I'd like the Darth Vader one. Apparently they have an Obi-Wan one and soon a Han Solo voice.
Tweedle Dee
That's awesome. If I have to choose I'd pick Darth. Yoda might throw me off. lol.
COOL if I had a car. Darth