stopping milk production?

I just had a baby and due to health problems I am unable to breastfeed her. I was wondering what people have done to help dry up milk production without tons of pain. I read binding is very unhealthy.


Favorite Answer

For me personally, the pain only lasted about 3-5 days I would say and then it was pretty much gone. Mainly it hurt like if I laid on my breasts while sleeping. You will leak for a few weeks but you shouldnt have that much pain after 1 week. Just let it happen naturally.


Personally, I'll tell you what worked for me:
Do you have a pump? I simply pumped no more then what made me feel confortable. For me, I started pumping just 2 ounces every couple hours. Then worked down to one. Then as a couple weeks or so passed, I didn't pump at all because my body didn't produce that much. Your body is only going to make what you tell it to make.

If you don't have a pump, then just feel your lil cutie half of the amount of time you normally would, and just have some formula waiting for her.
Good luck and congrats on your new baby!!!

here's a great article:

Jacob's Mommy2010-08-31T03:41:00Z

Wear a TIGHT sports bra day and night 24-7. Manually express (using your hands) only what you have to to stop any pain. The tight sprots bra is comfortable and it is not the same as binding. I wouldn't have the gutts to try that. I dried up in 2 weeks, but I was breast feeding for 3-4 months.