Why do so many people think Indians aren't Caucasian?

Indians are part of the Caucasian race. This is a fact. Just because they aren't European doesn't mean they're not Caucasian... where does this stupid misconception come from?

"the general physical type of some or all of the indigenous populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia" -Wikipedia



For that matter, Middle Easterners are also Caucasian, as are many Northern Africans, like the Egyptians.


Favorite Answer

Because most people associate the word 'Caucasian' with light skin. Actually it refers to the people that live(d) on or near the Caucasus Mountains. There are only 4(?) races, Asian, Caucasian, Black, and I think Mongloid. Indians fall under the Caucasian race. They are only thought not to be because they have dark brown skin.


Actually just Northern Indian are. Northern Indians are more closely related towards European then towards the Indian of the South.

@ Jolly. Asians and Mongoloid are the same thing.

Physical Ali2010-09-01T05:17:26Z

Actually Caucasian world is larger than anyone thinks.It includes the
richest lands on earth,the most industrialized regions,largest oil fields,
oldest civilizations,most strategic gulfs,straits and seas,and it includes the
so-called "Heartland" of earth planet.The only "little"problem is we
discriminate inside ourselves,when mongoloids and N*groids act as a whole!
I hope this won't result to lose the "big race" to mongoloids(Asians),but
situation seems ominous.


Scientists in this day and age believe that the whole notion of race is quackery and was made up to make a race appear superior to others. Genetically humans are 99.9% alike. It is that .1% that decides what our physical characteristics are going to be, and it is that .1% that has divided us humans for centuries.


nicely East Indians are Asian. i think of community individuals are Asians who initially migrated into the Americas around the Bering Strait for the duration of the Ice Age. as quickly as I studied skulls of countless races for my forensic anthropology classification, the community American and Asian skulls regarded strikingly comparable.

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