What are some cool photography ideas/objects to photograph?

I'm planning to go to the city and take photos of objects I bring. So far I've got a bag of scrabble letters, a glass coke bottle, rainbow origami stars, aviator glasses, a small glass horse and a pocket watch. Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated :)


I've already taken pictures of the buildings and people on various occasions. I do not intend to write anything on them or share them on this website.

Kenneth L2010-09-03T05:19:06Z

Favorite Answer

There is plenty to shoot in the Cemetery. Or go to the junk yard and look for rays of light passing through a broken bottle or piece of glass and emanating different colors.
The secret of photography (literally: painting with light) is not what you shoot but how you shoot it in relation to existing light and shadows.
The objects you have are fine especially because most contain glass. Now you have to arrange them individually or together in an interesting pattern to give the most impact. Try filling half of your Coke bottle with a colored liquid then place it somewhere higher then you. Then shoot the bottle up close while viewing the sun through it or a clear blue sky behind it.

A simple hint is to have only one main subject or object and everything else subordinate to it. Stand close to the subject so as to fill the frame of your camera with it and keep it simple.

Have fun.


Costa how is your comment even helpful? Just because she may want to take pictures of different things than you would doesn't mean she isn't talented. How is your comment even helpful?

Anyways, bottle caps, playing cards, magnifying glasses, pieces of glass or a broken mirror, flowers and bring a spray bottle filled with water or oil and you can make it look like dew drops, look for anything in garbage cans or gutters that would look cool as a close up. Also, don't just focus on the subject. Look for old wooden benches to make really cool details in your background. Any textured surfaces look really interesting in the background. Have fun!


I personally wouldn't bring anything at all to the shoot other than my cam and gear. I understand what you're trying to do, but in order to develop your 'eye' and become a good photographer you will need to stretch. This stretching will involve trying to find the normally unseen beauty in the otherwise hum-drum everyday. Cities are great places for this; just don't ruin it by having a preconceived notion about what to include (that means not bringing those things you mentioned).

I am perplexed, though, at your comment: "I've already taken pictures of the buildings and people on various occasions. I do not intend to write anything on them or share them on this website."

Sorry, but you're asking strangers for advice, but this bit at the end sounds a bit pompous and rude.


Throughout this course you will learn concepts that range in scope from beginner photography all the way to advanced topics in post production, composition, and light. https://tr.im/PhotographyCourse
You can start right now. Like right this very moment! The course is all online. There are no deadlines or timelines for you to follow. Set your own pace! Go slowly through the course or blaze through it.



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