As far as I'm concerned, the Diva's Championship isn't even a real title. It's just some piece of crap smackdown's EX GM Vickie created to make their show seem less crappy. And when it turned into a co-championship I lost even more respect. And then they were cheating to keep it? Wtf this title is ******* useless. So my question is, why do you think they are unifying these titles? I think it's becauase: They realize what a useless joke the Diva's title is, and this is their way of getting rid of it (obviously melina will win)
no i didn't know that when did they switch shows? women's has always been raw when did that change?
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ugh yes I hate the Diva's Championship, I can't take it seriously. I think combining them is a good idea because it was stupid to create a Diva's championship in the first place. I'm guessing they'll just call the new championship the women's championship and make it slightly different, maybe with a butterfly on it or something.
Maryse was Divas Champion when she was drafted to Raw in 2009, while Melina was drafted the same year when she was in possession of the women's title. So that's how they changed brands.
There really are a lot of moaners in this section. No wonder WWE rarely listen to the IWC, because there are people like you moaning about every f*cking thing they do. Grow up and accept that they know how to run a company BETTER THAN YOU DO. If they didn't, they wouldn't be a in a job.