What's up with people that say "What you look like doesn't matter, it's what's on the inside that counts..."?

...but then claim to be be gay, or straight, or whatever. I believe the term for that is "pansexual". Now I don't know about you guys, but I claim to be gay because I am sexually attracted to males. I can also be romantically attracted to them, but the same thing applies to women. I can love someone of any gender, but I'm only attracted to men. So, I can't really say that "only what's on the inside counts", because honestly, I only like men, and I only like men that have some semblance of attraction. Sure, I'll be friends with women and unattractive men, but I'm not sexually attracted to them.

So how does romantic attraction differ from sexual attraction to you? I don't really understand.


Nobody has answered my question. How can you be "gay" or "straight" if looks don't matter? If looks don't matter, then why do you only date one gender? Because you find that gender attractive?


Favorite Answer

I'm bisexual, and although i sometimes do say that looks don't matter.. of course they do. I have to be physically attracted to a girl or guy to want to get to know them better, so if i'm turned off automatically when i see them, i'm not going to want to date them before knowing their personality. I'll give anyone a chance, i'm just saying that there has to be SOME attraction there before we go further. Even if it's just how they dress that's nice, that's something. :P


Ricky, you have it all the wrong way around.
Yes if your after a quick screw and nothing more, then looks are what its all about.

But if your after something more or maybe even something life long, then

"What you look like doesn't matter, it's what's on the inside that counts"

is what matters when you want it to develop into the strongest partnership.

Its like this because that is how we are. (maybe because a person whos first requirements is looks will always be noticing that and so is easy to distract where as a person who seeks inner beauty, as that requires time and effort to identify your not as likely to just notice it.

All that said. If your happy with the things you end up with, that is what matters most.


No offense intended, but I personally find you to be an extremely shallow, insensitive person.

Sorry, but you asked and I answered.


well theres the emotional & then theres the physical 2 different parts to your being


they're prob telling you not to be shallow that's all