What is a good tackle box/bag for redifsh(drum)/catfish/speckled trout?

I currently live in louisiana around the Algiers area. We live about 30 minutes from UNO and the point (which is the place where we normally do our fishing). For my birthday this year, my family decided to buy me an Ugly Stik Catfish pole that has a live bait switch (you switch it and it is basically a very loose drag setting). There are lots of catfish, drum, and even blackfin sharks there. I have been looking for my own tackle bag/box that i can bring with me. My choice as of right now is the Bass Pro Shops XPS Stalker. It seems suitable, if not too big, for what I am looking for. Price has to be under $75. I want something that can accomodate gold spoons and redfish corks (Popping corks?) Also please list any tips or good fishing areas that you know of. Thanks guys


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I use a Plano plastic dry box, and I fish for a living.

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The Bass Pro bags are all nice for the money. I have a BPS Pro Qualifier bag, which has a ton of room. They will fit 5 full sized plastic boxes, and another in the front pocket if necessary. I believe I paid 50 bucks for mine at Bass Pro.

Edit: I may have been mistaken on the name of my bag. It may be an Extreme Quaifier, rather than a Pro Qualifier, although I could have swore the tag said Pro Qualifier. I don't seen any on Basspro.com though.