So this religious guy told me my dog can't go to heaven? Why not? Do you think my dog will go to heaven?


Favorite Answer

Dude, every religion makes up their own rules. It's all a bunch of **** anyway; nobody's going to heaven. If you want to BELIEVE your dog will go to heaven with you, though, find a religion that allows that. I think Catholicism does, but you should check.

Brittany Boo2010-09-07T18:52:12Z

Haven't you seen the movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven???"


Dogs go to doggy heavens.

The Brain2010-09-07T18:51:29Z

no your dog wont go cause heaven is imaginary


gosh that other guys answer is too heavy...... heaven is imaginary thats heavy ... well all have sinned dogs sin too.....

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