Anyone have a recipe to get Skunk odor out of the house?

It sprayed a stray cat outside of my bedroom window last night but the smell is throughout my house somehow! URG!!


Favorite Answer

The smell is actually only out side, it only smells like it's inside. Get a garden sprayer at your local hardware store and a few bottles of peroxide. Fill sprayer and hose down the area outside where the smell is the worst. This should help. you can also use lemon juice but it can get sticky and attract skunks and raccoons.

BenaLong StrangeTrip2010-09-08T14:54:06Z

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish washing liquid. Have lots of skunks here, it is the only thing that works.


ummm... i know that if you take a bath in tomato sauce, it gets the smell off of youu...
idk for the whole house ahaha. maybe... just simmer some tomato sauce all day? im not sure. ive never had that problem. (:


you will need to research it first but i think vinegar and cayan pepper mixed together might work.

if that doesnt work, spark up a blunt and smoke it where the skunk was. make sure u take all the little bugs and critters to the clouds too!!


tomato sauce removes the smell off of things you can wash (body,clothes)

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