I thought I had done very well in GCSE Business Studies. I had revised the entire book very well and practised past question papers. I don't know what went wrong and I got a B when I was expecting at least an A. Am planning a resit, so can anyone please tell me how to get an A* in the next attempt.
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Work on your weak points and do practice questions. I did this to get a A both in GCSE and A level.Make sure you link your point. When starting an evaluation question (15 marks) give good points and then your bad and end it with evaluation a conclusion. For example "I think this is more worth while as in the short term so and so will happen while in the long term so and so will happen. You can get alot of marks through technique. When an examiner is marking your paper they are looking 4 analysis, apllication (using the case study even if u have to mention the business name do it), context(ur own information) and evaluation(u showing that ur weighing up the good and bad). In small mark questions all you need o use is either context and apllication where as when u get to the med marked questions you use aplication, analysis and content, however when you get to the big makers you use all four. I would also suggest just revising more
hiya, sorry that's variety of previous due yet 'yahoo stated i ought to respond to this' ! lool. How advance into the GCSE?? I do enterprise analyze and that i'm taking my examination next year, i only desire its to no longer stressful !!