Second-time moms; were you scared?

This is a repost, technically.. I originally posted it in Pregnancy and it got blown off the page with only one answer so I'm hoping for more here.

Kind of starts off as a rant, but I do have questions in there, lol.

I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant, and I have a c-section scheduled for this monday (the 20th). Apparently a VBAC is too risky in my situation, since I had a c-section last time and my doctor anticipates I would have issues with a VBAC. I've accepted this. However, as the day gets closer and closer, I get more and more scared.

I know in my head that I've been through this before, and that I can handle it. I know what to expect, and I trust my doctor. But I think knowing what to expect might be what's scaring me. I am absolutely terrified of the pain of recovery. Last time, when they told me I had to have a c-section, I was just relieved that the hours of labor were over and that I was going to get to hold my daughter. I wasn't thinking about the pain, the incision, the limitations I'd have for weeks. This time, that's ALL I can think about.

Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited that in a few short days I'll get to meet my new baby. But when I think about how hard the recovery was for me (being a plus-size woman, it was exceptionally difficult, and now I weigh even more because I never lost the baby weight between pregnancies) I get so scared. It seems like everything hurts more this pregnancy, and I don't know if I can handle it if my c-section recovery is more painful as well.

My hubby is trying to be sympathetic, as is my mother, but in their minds I've already been through this once so it should be easier this time. And maybe it should. But I get so worked up thinking about it.

Anyway, to the "real questions."

If you had a second c-section, did you find the recovery to be easier or harder?

Did you worry more about delivering the second time around?

Do you think my extra anxiety might come from my worrying about how my daughter's going to react to a new baby? I feel like they're two different worries, but who knows. I know I'm very worried about how I'll care for her while I'm recovering, but I'll have help.

Just thought it might make some people chuckle to hear that Y!Answers thinks this belongs in Health > Dental =D


Favorite Answer

I was petrified of my second c-section. I was convinced I was gonna die, and I'd never see my son again. I was in terrible pain after my first c-section and knowing what was coming didn't help. I cried for two days straight. When it came time to say goodbye to by son so I could go to hospital I didn't want to let go!

While I waited for the c-section I cried, when they wheeled my into the O.R. I cried. When they started cutting, I cried... lol

It all turned out fine though, the recovery was MUCH easier. I was up and about 7 hours after the surgery (compared to the 24 hours after the first). Breastfeeding was easier, bonding was easier. Everything was just easier. I worried and cried for no good reason :)

My son took to being a big brother like a fish in water (he was 2 yrs 7 months when his little brother was born). Each child take it differently having a new sibling, but they adjust and get used to and so do you, don't worry. Taking care of a newborn and falling into the roles were much easier this time too.

You'll be fine hun, don't worry. Before you know it, all this will behind you and you'll wonder why you were so worried!

Good luck and congrats!


My first I had naturally, and my second I also had a c section. Yes, I was absolutely terrified. I did not like one bit at having to be awake and wait through the entire 45 minute ordeal.

I'm sorry to answer you like this but no, my c section actually took alot longer to heal from then my first natural birth. I took about 3 weeks to be completely normal the first time, I took 6 months the second (c section). The swelling I think gave me the most problem, and what's bad is it gets worse if you do too much (how can you not with a baby???).

Quite honestly, I was more terrified of having the c section than I was of never having had a child and not knowing what to expect. This is supposed to be backwards though, everyone kept telling me how easy a c section was and the best thing about it was no pain, but in all honesty, I would have went through a few hours of the previous pain instead of all the soreness of the c section afterwards.

No, you're right to feel anxious. For one, you're pregnant, and you have no idea what to expect. Two, if you still haven't recovered after the first birth (weight and such) then it's very sensical to feel as you do, I can easily see how you would.

My dear, you're going to feel all kinds of stress at this point mainly because you are only a few days away from doing it all over again, you're just not sure how to prepare yourself for the after/healing process. No matter what I or anyone else says, everyone has their own healing times and it also depends on how much you follow the dr's orders. Myself specifically, there was no way I could because my son was born disabled and we had like....4 days a week I'd have to be at some dr's office or in a hospital with him. Have your family to help you after the little one is born, and make sure they help alot (I get angry when I hear of how other people decide when you've had enough....I really do). You will need to get your rest and let your body heal. If you have that kind of support, look at it like a mini vacation. You're going to get more rest at this point then you will later! :)

Also, take to heart about the not lifting things advice they give you, I also broke that one and spent two days having the worst pains but thankfully, no scarring or bleeding.

On a seperate note: did you breastfeed with your first? If not, you might be interested to try it this time. I lost weight with both pregnancies really quickly by doing so and did nothing but eat (you'd be surprised how many calories you do end up burning!). Aside from that, you know the benefits of it.

The changes in the body is something all women have to accept (unless they are amazingly rich) if they want to have kids. I personally gave up a modeling and acting career to do so, and have refused any cosmetic surgery afterwards (ok...maybe that might be more due to the fact I spent all my savings on things like, the bigger car and of alot with my youngest sons hospital visits and surgeries). I still have that bump in my tummy that will never go away, but funny thing is, the people that know me know I wear it proudly. I think I'll be the only person you would ever meet that can be looked at scandously for having stretch marks near her belly button and say "see! I did that all by myself!" hehehehehe, I take critiscm as I take comedy, I laugh at it.

Good luck and Congratulations! My thoughts are with you!


I can't say anything about a C-section, because I've never had one. Sorry =/

Yes, I am definitely more worried! I am 7 months pregnant and I have a 10 month old, so the memories of labor are still fresh in my mind. I gave birth naturally (my epidural wore off) and the whole process almost killed me. It was also the worst pain I've ever had in my entire life, and that scares me very badly. Sometimes knowing what to expect is way worse than not knowing, and let's all be honest, those movies of people giving birth don't fully prepare you for what you will go through.

I am scared of how my son is going to react to our new baby, even though he is so young. He is very needy and is used to everyone's world revolving around him. So, based on my feelings, yes, I believe that your extra anxiety is because you are scared of how your daughter will react.

Lol I have no idea how y/a could've been so far off.


Lol yahoo answers never knows what it is doing

My friend just had her second C-section and she was also worried about the pain and recovery.. for her she healed a lot quicker this time around.. She was still a little sore but for no where near as long..
Just think it will soon be over and you will have your beautiful baby to hold, and in a few weeks time you will be fine :) good luck


I had my second baby via repeat c-section back in May. I too was very worried about the pain. I remembered it vividly and seriously didn't want to go through it again but really didn't have a choice. I'm not going lie and say it didn't hurt but it wasn't as bad as the first and I recovered a lot faster. With my first it took a week for me to be able to walk without being hunched over in pain and with my second it took about 3 days. I was pleasantly surprised.

My husband had to go back to work 6 days after I had our daughter. My mother was supposed to come over and help but she got the flu so I was alone with a toddler and a newborn. I was scared I wasn't going to be able to care for both but I did it. Somehow I did it.

My son was a little jealous (still is to an extent) but he came around. He loves his little sister and helps me take care of her, Get your daughter involved with the newborn. Have her bring you diapers and burp clothes. Just get her involved, I promise it will help her adjust faster to having a younger sibling.

Good Luck and Congrats on your new little one.

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