Where are all the good gay guys?

Out of all the gay guys I've ever met in real life, I have never been attracted to any of them. They're all flamboyant, there's all very feminine, they can be shrill and obnoxious at times... but I've never met one that I found attractive. In fact, I've had very few "crushes" on any men at all, and the few that I have had interest in have all been very straight, and friend-zoned.

I've been home sick, and the only things on the Tivo were Friends and Will and Grace. So, I've been watching Will and Grace for the last 6 hours... and I see how successful and nice and attractive Will is, and how successful and attractive and nice all the people he dates are... and I think "I will never find a guy anywhere close to any of those perfect people". I dunno, I'm just kinda depressed now.

So why aren't more guys like the guys in sitcoms? Why can't people be successful and nice, why is everyone obnoxious and unambitious? Am I just unlucky in the people that I meet? Help me out, guys.

Tech Jacket.2010-09-17T23:05:10Z

I know how you feel, I can't stand the flamboyant girly gay guys. If I attracted to a man, I want a man. not a girl with a penis. The reason there are so few people like Sitcom characters is because sitcoms use stereotypes of people. You never find a mom like Mrs. Brady or a dad like the guy from malcom in the middle. people like them exist but they are watered down. Sitcoms extract these essence of people to make them more entertaining. Lets face it no one would sit and watch something that happens exactly like it does to them at home on tv. So TV has to be a bit more outlandish.

Dom Top2010-09-18T04:17:27Z

I can't really give great advice because I've only been out for just over a year and am only 18 but I can say that you need not fret.
A wise man once said..."if you want to find a boyfriend you have to not be looking" ---yeah, I have no idea what he was talking about lol jks.
The point is that, there are guys out there that are appropriate for you and as with many things, you'll find one another when you least expect it.
Don't give up faith =)


Seems like we're just never in the right place at the right time. I've seen so many questions about masculine guys. It's difficult to find us because we're pretty ambiguous. You can't tell if we're straight or not, so it's hard to approach. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll eventually find someone.


thats not real life.... most people straight or gay dont look like actors (the pretty people) but, there are alot of good looking hard working sucessful guys out there. i am not out at work so, you may never know who is really gay i am divorced (great cover up) so alot of people think i am straight... that makes me laugh because my gaydar would go off the charts if i saw myself lol. good luck in your search.


Hahahaha! Dude, you watch too much tv.

Location, location, location. Go to New York, you'll find plenty of "Will"s, along with every other type of gay guy.

@Tech Jacket. Beautiful speech. ;) Spot on.

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