Why does LeBron travel more than Christopher Columbus?

I really don't understand why he is considered "the best" by some people.. he is not the BEST. Hell, Melo and Wade are better than him. LeBron is an athletic monster, he got good genetics. But if were talking about skill level he sucks. He cannot shoot the ball or be the leader of his team. KOBE, WADE, DURANT, MELO > LEBRON

Hot Chick2010-09-18T13:03:22Z

Favorite Answer

queen james stinks...i absolutely LOVE the way he left cleveland because hes a selfish loser and only wants a win ..


Sasha Vujacic > Lebron West.


Aren't most basketball players gifted because of genetics aka height? Why are you so jealous that you have to attack him to make Kobe feel better?

No point in arguing with a hater you just don't stop talking.

Leader of his team? Lead Cavs to best rec with mediocre cast compared to Melo or Kobe.

Can't shoot? Look at Kobe's fail nights. His shooting is good just not at your benchmark where Kobe shoots.


if lebron stayed in cleveland i'd be arguing but hes a fag and left. so your right
adam morison>lebron west


LeBron is easily the best player in the NBA.

I would love to see the players you mentioned carry a team with an overrated PG and coach. Now Wade is the second best IMO and he can have an argument to be the best, but he doesn't show up in every game like LeBron does.

The others (Kobe, Durant, Melo) are prolific scorers who just get everyone's attention because of their shooting. They have great teams and coaches around them so it was easy to say they are great players.

"But if were talking about skill level he sucks" -- No he doesn't suck. He is not the best though. Actually I think if he wasn't too tall he would be a great PG or SG. If you are saying he is not as skilled as Kobe I agree but that doesn't mean he sucks.

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