Depth perception? It is poor?

In MEPS, I failed the depth perception as did a lot of other people surprisingly. My vision uncorrected was 20/200 which means that I missed all of the depth perception except one, apparently.
I looked up if depth perception could be corrected and really only found where other people inquired about it also on the internet and none of the answers were the same. So, if anyone out there knows if depth perception can be at least somewhat corrected, would you please let me know?
By the way, I am not going into the military anymore, and the depth perception is not why. But, God bless America!
Thank you in advance


Favorite Answer

Depth perception becomes a problem if both eyes can't be corrected evenly with glasses.

If one eye has very poor vision compared to the other, then depth perception will be off.

If both eyes can be corrected to 20/20 with glasses, the depth perception should be normal.


Depth perception can be corrected somewhat with corrective lenses, but it depends on the person and the correction, and how bad their depth perception is. It's one of those things that does not work for everyone, and in most cases people don't even know there is a problem until testing points it out to them. Getting glasses can help some, or not at all. And many people just live with it and work around it.

I have two friends that do not drive due to their poor depth perception, one avoids stairs unless there is no other way to get where she is going, she has said that her polarized sunglasses, seem to help her on bright days with contrast on some stairs and sloping grades that level up or down a sidewalk.


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Depth perception? It is poor?
In MEPS, I failed the depth perception as did a lot of other people surprisingly. My vision uncorrected was 20/200 which means that I missed all of the depth perception except one, apparently.
I looked up if depth perception could be corrected and really only found where other people inquired...