I need to change my name legally, is this a valid reason?

I hate it when people say that I have other issues and that changing my name won't solve them. I get that. But, I would feel a million times better if I could have a name just for me. I hate, hate HATE being asked "we have fifty Sara Johnsons, which one are you?" every single day. I hate always being confused with someone else. A name represents you and it's humiliating to have to be labeled as another face in the crowd.

I want to change my last name to Infante, my great grandfather's last name. I'm not sure if I'm related to Pedro or not but I don't know of anyone else with that last name. It sounds classy and regal and I LOVE it.

It's more than I just don't like it. It's making me absolutely miserable. I struggled to accept it out of guilt and love for my family but it's just more than I can stand. I don't have anything to identify just me, and I'mk always getting lost in the crowd. I want to have a special name all my own to cherish. Furthermore I'm a musician and Sara Johnson is too plain and a detriment in music, where you need to stand out. Yeah, I know there's Eric Johnson (I"m not related to him) but for the most part a plain common name is a real detriment.

Every time someone says, "we have a lot of Sara Johnsons," I feel so INSULTED. Like I'm just another girl. I want a name that sounds like a star and identifies me as "I'm unique and God made only me." I want a name all my own. I know that SOMEWHERE OUT THERE someone will have the same name as you, but I run into many people with the same name every day. It's so humiliating. I can't live my life like this, I need a decent name. Sara Johnson just isn't much name.


Favorite Answer

You can change your name to anything you like provided it is not for any fraudulent purpose.
No reason need be given.