Vicoden and breast feeding?

Is Vicoden safe to take while breast feeding? I'm about to google it, just curious if any other moms have been prescribed it while nursing/pumping. My doctor gave me percocet right after my c-section, but when I got my staples removed and found the incision wasn't fully closed and needed daily packing/dressing, she prescribed me vidocen (because I had already left the office and percocet can't be phoned in to a pharmacy but vicoden can). I had mentioned to her earlier that I was pumping and doing both formula and breast milk, so I don't think she would have prescribed it if it was unsafe. Just wondering what other mommies have experienced.


Lol, Eric for me breastfeeding actually IS really painful. Not painful enough for vicoden, though.

Cheryl N2010-09-28T23:45:35Z

Favorite Answer

It's safer that percocet is. Thomas Hale (an expert on breastfeeding and drugs) puts it in the moderately safe category (L3), same as percocet. However, the AAP recommends vicodin for use in nursing mothers, where they do not recommend percocet at all.

I've used vicodin while nursing a newborn before and it was never a problem as far as the baby. However, make sure you don't take it on an empty stomach, unless you like puking.


I was prescribed lortab after have my wisdom teeth extracted (my daughter was 3 months, exclusively bfing and refusing a bottle). I spoke with my LC, dentist and pedi. I was told to bf her within 30 minutes of taking it or 3 hrs after taking it, so that the meds would just be getting into my system or just going out. It's pretty safe, but I wouldn't bf your baby when you are high as a kite on the meds. My suggestion would be to wait until you are sober before pumping or bfing. Pump or bf between pills. :)


It is safe from what i been told. I breast feed and pumped why i was taking it after my first daughter ( c-section) and i refused to take any type of medicine no matter how bad i was in pain til the nurse explain to me that it would hurt her in any way trust me it was a long conversation it took her about hour to convince me it was fine.


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of course not -try tylenol or advil, drink lotsa water, and follow up with your OB. toss all formula & put babe to the breast more often -if you need assistance with breastfeeding, call your lactation conusultant.

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