i wear leggings under my jeans all the time becuz my jeans fit me loose so the leggings make my jeans fit better....sometimes i wear like 3 pairs ... is that okay??? please some1 aswer... (i know that my friend wear sweats undder her jeans(2 pairs) but i think leggings are better????
ℒust Murder2010-09-29T22:26:10Z
Favorite Answer
No, I do it all the time. A pair of leggings underneath jeans always fills me out more and slightly corrects my shape by making the jeans cling to be better. It;strictly fine and no, you WON'T get a yeast infection.
No I think it's fine. I do the same but, I only wear mine when I go to Europe or somewhere extremely cold for the winter. Maybe you should buy a smaller pair of jeans... And how does your friend fit two pairs of sweats underneath her jeans?
wait, why can't you buy smaller jeans??? THERE'S NOTHING MORE UNATTRACTIVE THAN A FEMALE WITH PANTS ON THAT ARE TOO BIG...3 PAIRS OF LEGGINGS??? The first person was right this CAN cause a yeast infection because you're not getting any air...and to anyone that disagrees I'M A BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES MAJOR sooooo yeah....
Doesn't all that fabric make it difficult to move? What do you do if you need to bend over? Doesn't all that bulk fabric cut and bind and make movement difficult? And: Do you really want to look three sizes larger than you really are? Most girls I know prefer to look smaller rather than larger. I don't know anyone who says "my jeans are too big so I must make myself fatter", everyone usually says "YAY! My jeans are too big so I need to get smaller jeans!" Why not buy jeans that FIT rather than jeans that are obviously three sizes too big? You'll look far less lumpy and bulky, you'll feel skinnier and much better. The key to looking your best in clothes it to buy things that fit and that aren't too big or too small.