Am I the only one who is sick and tired of reporting SPAM? Its everywhere!?

Each question I attempt to answer already has a spam contributor, which I have to report, before answering the question. Isn't there a better system to get rid of spammers?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2010-09-30T11:57:40Z

Favorite Answer

The sad part is, you are only see a FRACTION of the SPAM attempts that hit this site. Because a lot is already being done to stop them.

Check out the ABOUT tab over the green bar, select the Suggestion Board and look there for the PINNED notice about the OFFICIAL SPAMMER BATTLE THREAD. Maybe if you join in there, the encouragement from others will make you job seem easier and more fulfilling.

Tj Punk2010-09-30T18:55:20Z

Yes, recently there seems to be a huge increase of SPAM on Y/A.