Do you view male to female transsexuals as women if they've had surgery?

A Yahoo2010-10-02T21:36:48Z

Favorite Answer

They must convince me. Part of this is to not constantly refer to themselves as "transwomen" or "women born transsexual." People who truly identify as (and according to some are physically indistinguishable from) women have nothing at all to prove and no problems to complain about. The second part is, of course, to actually behave with the mannerisms of a woman. Maybe I'm more sensitive in this area, but a lot of people seem to be blind to this aspect.


I view trans folks as transsexuals the moment they say they are female or male. It's a self-diagnosing condition, get it? You people are REALLY caught up with looks. I feel sorry for you and your rigidity. What exactly is the hallmark of a transsexual? Body of one sex, mind of another. Your brain doesn't feminize or masculinize. These people are who they say they are and you need to get yourselves educated if you don't see the truth in that.

Erica fortes soli superant2010-10-03T00:17:38Z

I respect peoples gender identity, which doesn't have to reflect their anatomy, genes, or anything else. If a person has a feminine brain, then they will feel as though they are female no matter what anyone says, so it makes sense to respect how they feel. People who Transition don't do it for kicks. Trust me, I know.


I view them as women if they view themselves as women. Simple as that. I don't care if they've had surgery or not and I don't ask.


No, I still view them as men, because that's what they are. You can never change your sex, you can only change the way you appear. You can also never change your chromosomes.

P.S. ------- Kaab----- Couldn't say it any better. Kaab nailed it right on the dot. Can't get any more logical than that, unless you're a politically correct liberal.

EDIT: Yo guys, why so many thumbs down?!?! I'm just voicing my opinion. Common!

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