Why was a bike left in my back yard? Stolen?

The other day I came home to find a fairly new mountain bike tucked behind a bush in my back yard. Whoever put it there had to come down a narrow 50 foot path, so it wasn't a quick, convenient place. Is this a way to hide a stolen bike? I can't think of an innocent reason why this would happen. A friend of mine told me that in the past ten years, he's found 3 perfectly good bikes on his property. We both live in a city.


The cops in my city said that 99% of the time they auction stolen bikes, because it's too hard to match bikes with owners.

I should have asked if such a thing is common. Thanks for your answers, though.


Favorite Answer

Someone or some group of thieves has obviously found a spot to dump stolen bikes once they use them. To be honest - if it was me & someone left a bike I liked on my property, 1st I'd place an ad in the local craigslist stating you've found a stolen bike on your property. Give NO description of the bike other than the make. Make the real owner give a detailed description. Next, if no one claims it...it would be mine.


Contact the local police department and ask them if there was a bike reported stolen.



call the police and turn it in. Some kid will be overjoyed to get his bike back.

Thank you!



Call the cops.
Let them sort it out.


you got a present!

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