If global warming is a hoax, why does all the available scientific data say it's not?
This is a long question, but if you read the whole thing, maybe you'll learn something.
First of all, anthropogenic global warming is a scientific consensus.
But Jared, what's a consensus? Well, a consensus is when almost an entire community of scientists in a particular field are in peer-reviewed agreement with each other. They're almost never falsified, and the available evidence is always overwhelmingly in favor of their proponents.
Now, you may have heard of the IPCC: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Let's study that abbreviation. An intergovernmental panel implies that many governments, working together, are using the climate data from the best and brightest authority figures on the subject from their respective nations.
This data is officially supported by the federal governments of most developed nations, and anthropogenic global warming been a consensus since 2007. Not a single national or international body of officials has had any dissenting evidence since then.
That's why whenever you hear about dissent, it's always from some lone wolf with ties to big oil or other energy lobbyists. Our sensationalist media can't help giving equal time to "both sides", and it's leading to a lot of unfortunate misinformation. Even most of the dissenting researchers have recently jumped on the consensus bandwagon, because demonstrable and observable evidence to the contrary gives them less ground to walk on with each passing day. They can't keep up the charade forever.
They want you to think it's a hoax, or debunked due to "falsified data." The fact that global warming is a reality means that potential legislation (like emissions trading, known more widely as the buzz-term "Cap & Trade"), which will in fact help all of us and increase revenue, will also make a tiny dent in the private sector. Corporate lobbyists understand the science, but they want to rake in profits for as long as we'll allow them to. Money is more important than honesty to them, and it's literally poisonous for America and the world at large.
By the way, don't take my word for any of this. If you still think global warming isn't a sure thing, I strongly encourage you to research it for yourself. We all deserve to know the truth.
"Care to prove the fact known as Evolution too? Most scientists agree that this theory is a fact."
Science is never about proof, but evidence. Evolution is considered true because no alternative evidence exists, and the same goes for anthropogenic global warming.
"Science also says that the world has gone through hundreds of cooling and warming periods."
Yes, but if you don't know the difference between a warming period and our current unparalleled state of climate change, then you have some research to do.
"For God's sake, kid, learn how to think for yourself. Anyone who can open a spreadsheet and perform a basic Pearson's study knows that there is no correlation between time and temperature."
Time and temperature aren't the only factors relating to climate change. You can't oversimplify this, claim victory, and walk away. That's not scientific.