need statistics on child sex abuse plz?

I need some help with statistics. I am meeting with principle of high school about a pervert who got to go on a band bus despite the fact that he had no kids on bus. He kept harassing the girls, and finally kissed one on mouth without her consent. She was 16. He is 23, and had no business on bus at all. I want to use stats to press upon these people how important it is to take this seriously and be more vigilant.
Seems like I heard one day that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 10 boys are molested before the age of 18. Any one know the stats?
Furthermore, what charges should be pressed by girl's mom? What do you call it?


Favorite Answer

That is sexual assault, plain and simple. The girl's mom could press charges- sexual harassment should NEVER be tolerated. Keep in mind though, it was the girl who was harassed and SHE has the right to file a report with the police and it should be her decision.

Here are some good websites to check out on sexual assault and statistics:


*Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.

*1 in 5 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually assaulted by the age of eighteen.

Mexi Poff2010-10-04T05:40:50Z

Statistics are irrelevant in the topic of child abuse. One child hurt/ abused is one child too many. The issue here is not to present statistics about child abuse. You need to let them know that because this happened, they are not being responsible in keeping children safe period. I would not want my child to attend a school in which strangers not affiliated with the school and its programs (in this case a child predator) to be near the students. Only authorized adults and/or chaperones should be allowed on a school bus. This is gross and negligent on the part of the school.

Yes, if this was a school bus there is definitely a right for the girl's parent(s) to file some sort of complaint, charges, and or lawsuit. Good for you for being concerned for the children!!! Obviously the school is not.