I understand this is really going to only be opinion...?

So lets keep it civilized please
At church, I attend a southern baptist church because I grew up there and i am a Christian just not strictly baptist, we were talking about the "what if's". What will happen to those who dont know Jesus as their savior? The Bible says that the ones who have never had an opportunity to learn will not be punished so will even the older adults, not just innocent children, be able to enjoy the afterlife as we hope to? I have always been the more moderate liberal in politics and lets face it- the two do blend now. So, if I do get to enjoy heaven as I am told and believe, will Muslims go there too because some of them Never heard about Christianity? I just cannot believe that a Baptist will be the only type of person you will see there. I will not get into what I believe totally, but I really dont think I can say Any one of us is wrong. We simply have no real way of knowing, we can only hold what we believe as truth in our hearts. I just want to hear other opinions besides the ones that were presented around our "round table" at church. Thank you so much!




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you tell me the bible says this and that ... but i know my bible well and i say you're in error.

'The Bible says that the ones who have never had an opportunity to learn will not be punished '
nowhere in the bible does it teach this. According to God, every soul WILL have the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ in order to make a decision whether or not to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.
Mr 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Only the NAME of Jesus Christ saves ... cos He is God.
Joh 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

muslims know about Jesus, the fake jesus from mohd's long tale who claimed that Jesus never died on the cross. There is only ONE Jesus Christ ... He died on the cross, period. The fact is ... non-believers will go to hell for certain. This is a clear bible teaching.


God has been opening the eyes of Muslims, Jews, Athiests, etc. and even those in remote parts of the earth. Acts 2:17 says "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prohesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." We, as Christians are all called to be evangelists through the Great Commission. While some are called to testify locally, others go all over the world, even to remote areas. It's in God's hands. Remember also that there are mysteries that have been kept from us. What you can do is pray for the lost and go out into the world yourself, at whatever capacity you are able. Remember that 1 soul to God is worth more than all the riches in the world and your reward in Heaven will be great! Read your bible daily and let the Holy Spirit minister to you.


Most religions teach that they are right and the others are wrong. This is part of how they keep their flocks. They can't all be right, but they can all be wrong.

There are ways of knowing what is true and what is false. By using the processes of logic and science, with reliable and empirical data, we can reliably separate much truth from fiction.

There's no reliable evidence for Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, Thor, or any of the thousands of other gods that people have worshipped. There's also extensive evidence that they are all just myths, created to help soothe our fear of death, and perpetuated to subjugate the underclass into obedience.

Science has shown that there's no need for gods to explain the traditional reasons for a god -- origin of the universe, origin of life, origin of species, origin of humans, origin of morality. Science also shows us the psychological reasons that people believe in god(s).


Don't take this personal but have you ever really studied the Bible by yourself, on your own, to learn what it says?

Too many folks simply parrot what they hear.

Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."

You might consider just reading God's Word all by yourself and develop your own faith, not the faith of common opinion, which has no merit anyway.

God and truth are not democratic.


No one can be positive about this but i think god might give them another chance. I pray for some of my non-christian friends and i hope since i love them (no homo) God will have them come to heaven or give them another chance. If you are Christian then you must pray and ask God and Jesus into your heart and you will be able to go to heaven. Even though God forgives you for your sins that doesen't mean you can go around killing everyone and then ask God to forgive you for your sins then *POOF* all better!

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