is a 1998 mitsubishi galant a girl car?

i am a guy and most likely my parents will give me a white 1998 mitsubishi galant and i was wondering if it is a girly car or what other peoples perceptions of it are


i will not mod it but i will put a sub in it probabaly

3000GT of Va2010-10-06T11:30:12Z

Favorite Answer

Most likely no. The color hues provided factory for the car and the body styling have an aggressive stance for a sedan. And white in a galant should look good as long as its kept clean.


Your fine as long as it's not pink or has pictures of horses on it or something. And don't go modding a 98 galant, it will just look stupid.


Not really if you put some mods on it


its a pretty average sedan, not very girly at all. very unisex car, you're fine.