Why are so many people in Europe and the US concerned about Sharia Law taking over?

...when most MUSLIM countries don't follow Sharia law themselves.


@ Cynical:

Honestly, you should do more research on Sharia Law. I mean, there are elements of it which would be considered horrible in a modern day context, but Sharia Law is overall no more objectionable than ANY other religious law, and it's subject to interpretation like any other legal system.

In fact, it was Sharia law which influenced the development of a trial system and due process as a way of convicting criminals.


so no, its not "simply horrible"...just elements of it are horrible. Just as how elements of American law were horrible 200 years ago.


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I know that many Muslim countries do not follow Sharia. A good example of this is Indonesia, one of the most Muslim populated country, but the fear of Sharia is a valid one. While I agree that it may not take over and some of the fear has been used to manipulate the masses. Sharia law is simply horrible and those countries that do have Sharia law should know that the western world would never accept their way of life.


well i would say most people in Europe are Christian so they don't care to learn about Islam so they associate islam with strictness, cruelty etc. and because muslims are infesting Europe, one could assume where they are coming from.


Good point I didnt think about that