Am I being too easy/not caring enough?

I've been dating this guy for a little over a week, and today I went over to his place to hang out. Long story short, we ended up on his bed, him trying to tickle me. My shirt worked down, and you could see my bra, and although I pulled it up I realized- and said as much- I really didn't care. I mean, it doesn't mean anything to me- It's not like it's some big secret I have boobs. Same with touching them- So? Nothing special to me, honestly. This attitude transfers to other physically-based things as well.

So I'm just wondering- Could my attitude of "Whatever, it's just flesh" cause me to be too easy? Should I work to try to worry about it more?


Favorite Answer

Yeah i think every girl should have more respect for her body & not let any guy take advantage of it. It's something that a guy needs to work hard at to get, & shouldn't be easy.... seriously guys are like animals, they would go as far as you let them go, so be careful & have some boundaries!


OK Shorty, listen up. Guys are not going to tell you this. We want to touch a girls body, especially those zones that are generally out of bounds. If you allow boys to invade your private areas they will and they will only give reverence and respect to the areas of your life that you give respect to. That "Whatever..." attitude about your flesh is exactly what boys want to hear. You better re-evaluate your attitude about your body.


It's not that big of a deal. Just try to be careful about it. In terms of touching, go as slowly as you feel comfortable with. I wouldn't worry about it any more than you already are.

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Maybe.. probably.. yu should. Th0 i dnt find wrong wht yu did , i actually find it very normal. That is if yu knw da guy 4 a while lyk 2 week at least. bt the whole w.e attitude, yea. .. no.


no whatever be stuck up and confident u have boobies haha ;) just make sure they dont get u in bed with a guy... have fun and be flirty mess around but dont be too nauty! ;) :)

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