Strange orb by IO...UFO?

I took a video of Jupiter and 4 of its Moon.When I reviewed it I found I captured an orb that appears to come from Neoware and disappear behind IO...The orb appears about 12 sec. into the video and heads to IO closest to Jupiter on the left Here is a link to the video-
Watch full screen and let me know if you know what this UFO is.
Thanks much,


I know the video fades in and out of focus,My question is on the blue orb that appears at about 12 sec into the shot.this image only shows up by one Moon,I think if it were a double image it would appear by all Moons and Jupiter also.


Favorite Answer

I think that is a ghost image. It appears when you increase the exposure, and then shrinks as you adjust focus.

You appear to have a serious collimation issue. The out of focus images of Jupiter's moons look like little PacMan creatures. instead of symmetrical circles.