Which celebrities get the biggest reaction on Yahoo Answers?

It seems that if you put Paris Hilton or Obama in the question you get hundreds of replies...there must be more worthy people..


Not heard of most of these people...I guess they are American singers or maybe actors...apart from Micheal Jackson and I guess he alawys provoked a reaction


Favorite Answer

its miley cyrus or bieber
i am surprised too


You must haven't been on here in awhile or never because this section is full of Michael Jackson fans and haters. So, yea... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqSh3dNo2_OSqSH7Q48gutUjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090802133323AA03gR4


i think Justin Bieber because he's new so every one wants to know what other people know.


Jonas Brothers all the way!!!!!