My 5 month old baby cries in her sleep?

hi there, my baby has previously been a very good sleeper. she has often made noises and disturbed us (she sleeps in her own bed in our room), but used to do up to 9 hours sleeping without much fuss.
recently (last 3 weeks or so) she has got worse and worse, even waking in the night (always did dream feeds), and very hard to settle. she cries out in her sleep several times throughout the early evening and through the night. we are getting little to no sleep and she is disturbing herself with it, and causing herself to wake.
is this teething? anyone else been through this? how do we settle her better?

Riley's Mommy -

Favorite Answer

I went through this but a bit differently. My daughter when she was 4 - 7 months old she would actually laugh and giggle in her sleep. The only time she ever cried in her sleep was when my boyfriend and I argued one day and had an extremely bad argument. The only thing you can do is when you hear her start to cry or stir just go in the room and rub her head to calm her down. It will work even if she is sleeping.