What are your hill climbing workouts?

I am on a quest to improve my hill climbing.

I have never been the best climber in my group but never the slowest either. I have been climbing with purpose lately and pushing my envelope. I have dropped some weight and increased my saddle time on hills and attack them now rather than survive them.(unless I crack which has been happening less frequently on hills of late)

I live in San Diego so I have a wide choice of climbs. From the mile and steady to the short and steep. There are plenty of flats in between.

So as I have received some good advice here in the past what are your hill climbing workouts and strategies?

Besides running what exercise could compliment hill climbing workouts?


Yeah Coach,

Hills no kidding

Distance is not an issue. I am in "OK" shape.

I can ride up to 100 and most likely more if needed with no issues save time to set aside to get out there

Today I climbed a .88 mile hill with a 4.6 gradient or a 214 vertical gain ten times at about a 10-11 pace. Four of the climbs I moved up 2 gears beyond what I find comfortable.

I try to make my workouts in the 1 to 1.5 hours during the week. Longer rides on weekends.

So my wind seems to be ok and I am improving on the same workout from a month ago which was a 8-10 mph pace.

I do other climbs as well including in the dirt. some are much longer with more vertical gain. some are much steeper and shorter.

I live on a top of a hill so any direction I go I will climb to get back.

So saddle time is not my issue at this time I am questioning whether that time is efficient and could be improved through schedule.

I would appreciate any input.


Got pedals and shoes.

Have looked at my front tire more miles I care to remember


I have never understood why they are called clipless pedals when they are the only ones that actually clip in. I have been riding with them over 20 years


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The key is repeating the ride many times over and over. I ride to the top, turn around and coast down then up again over and over for a one to two hour period.

I use three works outs, very low gear with very high cadence, Run at one or two gears over my normal gear at my normal cadence, and lastly... the highest and hardest gear that I can manage (standing up all the way) for as long as I can, then downshift and struggle in that gear, standing, s long as I can. I do the same workout for the entirety of my time on the hill. I will come back the next day and choose a different of the three, and do it for one or two hours.

Your climbing will improve!



One Of The Most Important Factors To Consider Is Variety. If You're Doing The Same Workout Day In & Day Out You Will Stop Showing Results.

Include One Or Two "Tempo" Sessions, You Will Be Riding Constantly, At A Fairly High Intensity For The Whole Hill. The Idea Here Is To Help Your Body Grow Accustomed To Tolerating Lactic Acid So That When You Do Decide To Push Harder, You Will Not Fatigue As Quickly. These Sessions Will Also Help To Push Up Your Relative Speed, Thereby Increasing Your Performance.

One Session Per Week Should Be Dedicated To A Longer-Duration Workout, As This Will Help You Build Cardiovascular Endurance. Aim To Cycle Continuously, At A Comfortable Pace, Up A Large Hill.

Hope This Will Help!


climbing hills.

no kidding.

you either choose a real hill. and ride it, a gear or two harder than you would usually. Ride it three times.
start with a shorter hill, then go for the longer ones.

Or, you hit the indoor bike.

you start with 3 five-minute intervals at a low rpm (50-60) at a wattage that brings your HR up to 160, 165, about 10bpm below your anaerobic threshold.
Work up to three 20-minute intervals.


so you are improving. good. But it takes longer than a month. Give it a couple seasons.

Ten reps, be my guest - I'd say it's too much, but if you must, ride them all at the same intensity.
make it so that you can ride all of them in the same hard gear. or do fewer reps until you can.

but you could, and probably should, do longer climbs. as I was saying, you can do up to 20-min intervals, times three. with a warm up and cool down that will be a 1.5hr workout.
Find one that is more than .88 miles and more than 5%. Control your heart rate. it's pointless going too high. you are looking for sustained power, not peak performance.

how about 3 miles and average 6-8%.

Running, by the way, won't help much. Leg presses and Hamstring workouts might.
Do you use clipless pedals? Then improve the pull - work the hamstrings.


I do a 5-6 mile warm up ride and hit the first hill spinning at 90 rpm's and try to maintain it as long as I can. I down shift when it drops to 70 and keep going. When I get to the point where I am out of breath I drop to a gear that I can finish the hill with. I do that with 6-7 hills on a ride. Take the next day off to recover or go for a easy ride to build your base.

Other days I go out and ride at a pace that keeps my heart rate at 90% or so and ride just hard enough to maintain that. I cant avoid hills but I don't climb the steep ones and ride for heart rate. It builds a great base for you overall fitness. Another thing you can do is intervals where you sprint as fast as you can for 30-90 seconds and then drop back to recover, once you recover do it again.

There are plenty of sites for training tips.



Hamstrings!! Hamstrings!! Hamstrings!!

As cyclists, most of us are extremely quad dominant - meaning the frontal muscles are MUCH stronger then our hamstrings. if you want to climb better, strengthen and incorporate hamstrings into the mix. You can do this at the gym or even at home by doing things like deadlifts etc *google hamstring exercises).

ASSUMING you are using clipless pedals, you will need to actively learn to push and pull (hamstring will activate from the pull). Other then this, its gearing. Make sure you are keeping the correct cadence.

I am can climb forever, I am just not fast. My goal this "off-season" is to get myself faster on both the road and mountain bike. Good luck. Rode hard. Ride fast. Ride Safe.

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