Did you use your infant tub in the bathtub?

When my daughter was still using the baby tub, we had a bathroom with a stand-up shower and no tub, so it never really occured to me that the infant tub could be sat in the actual bathtub. We just sat the infant tub on the bed and filled it with a pitcher. However, when I was looking at baby stuff, I noticed that most infant tubs have a picture of the tub being used inside an adult tub. Is that what you mommies do? Does that make cleanup easier?

My son's umbilicle stump just fell off, so it's time for "real" baths, and I'm looking for whatever's easiest! Opinions, please!


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We used the sink until he was too big for that, then we used a baby-tub in the shower because we don't have a tub down here. When I had access to a normal bathtub, I just filled it shallowly and washed him that way with my daughter. I don't like taking a bath with them when they're so young because they cool down too fast (and I like it warmer than is safe anyway) plus my soaps aren't good for their skins... much easier to not have to dry myself after either, just to dry them y'know?

For the sink, I do wipe it down with something like a chlorox wipe first because we use the bathroom sink and that means people spitting in it all the time and everything, so just to make sure it's clean. I'd do the same with the kitchen sink. Just make sure it's clean first, y'know?

★ haŋdle with care ★2010-10-11T17:34:07Z

I use an infant tub inside the bathtub. My partners house did not have a bath and we recently moved into a rental house and it has a bath, thank goodness! We had a change table with the bath under the change table pad which was easier on my back! but I am happy with the infant bath because it can be used when my daughter is a toddler same for our next child.


It was easiest for me to use the infant tub on the kitchen floor, since I have a hard time kneeling over the side of the big tub and our kitchen sink can't hold the infant tub like many do. At least on the kitchen floor I could sit Indian style on a towel and then mop up any splashes easily once we were done. When my son started sitting up my husband started getting in the big tub with him (my husband wears his bathing suit). He is now 20 months and my husband still sits with him in the big tub while I get his clothes and towel ready and just passes him to me when he's done and takes his nightly shower. This works out easiest for us because my son is secure and my husband just leans him back on his leg to rinse his hair.

My sister passed down her inflatable infant tub to us now that I'm pregnant with my second so maybe I will feel more comfortable letting a child sit up "alone" in that in the big tub. We'll see!

Her Mommy <32010-10-11T14:40:58Z

The easiest thing for me to do was put the infant tub in the adult tub. I used it that way from first bath until 10 months when she switch to the big bathtub. It was difficult for me to get in the bath with her....I only did that once with my daughter and I wrapped her in her towel and put her in her bouncey seat while I got out and dressed (she was still newborn so she couldn't get out) and it was NOT easier than just using her baby bathtub. I am a single mom so I didn't have anyone there to help me either....


I find it easiest to use the kitchen sink. When using the tub, it's easiest to just put it into the adult size tub. That way and splashes and spills are automatically taken care of.

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