Gorham sterling silver Chamberlin?

I'm having trouble finding any info on a very old Gorham soup/sauce ladle that I have. The piece is marked GORHAM and has the anchor mark. But it also says CHAMBERLIN ( not Chamberlain ) I can't find anything from Gorham with the word Chamberlin nor can I find a photo of this particular pattern. I tried replacements. com, Gorham.com as well as the antiques roadshow website. HELP!?


Thanks! I don't think it's an owners name. It's in the same raised embossing as the GORHAM. Along the back of the handle of the ladle.


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like you, nothing on the 'chamberlin'.... but I suspect it's an owner's name rather than a pattern name....

see one like it on the pictures?... better to go thru the Gorham patterns in flatware to find yours easier....
