Did anyone feel the earthquake, this morning, in Oklahoma?

Time was 9:05 Central


In Tulsa. Reports are from Wichita to Dallas.
4.5 Magnitude.


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I felt it! I thought something had exploded. I'm in Moore.


I live 6 miles from where they said the epicenter was and felt it. Heard a "boom" and felt the house shaking and then vibrating. Thought that there was an explosion in the neighborhood (we have natural gas for heating and it was cool this morning). Went outside and the neighbors were looking around, and said they thought it was an earthquake. Dogs barking all over.

I also live about 10 miles from a military base and military planes take off and land within sight all day long, the thought that maybe one of those had crashed or another bombing (like the OKC federal building bombing) or a natural gas explosion. Took me a couple minutes to go outside and didn't smell or see anything. Sure was scared for a few minutes trying to figure it out.


Nope I've been in Chatsworth, GA since then. What part of Oklahoma? Have friends that live in Bartlesville.


Yes, we felt it here in santa cruz about an hour ago.