where to find foreclosed homes?

Does anyone know a website that you can a do a FREE search of foreclosed homes?


Favorite Answer

Call your local real estate office, they will be able to get you a list of them.


Most of the major lenders have their REO's listed on their websites. As well, you can contact a real estate agent in your area for such information. Understand that well over 95% of foreclosed properties are listed with real estate agencies for disposition. NONE of the major lenders will sell to you directly.


You may want to try the county auditor's website if you have such a thing. Try searching under the big bank names as owners and you should be able to retrieve addresses. Another possibility is watching the Sheriff sales in your area and tracking those properties.


Do not subscribe to any foreclosure website, free or not, they are notoriously inaccurate. Buying a foreclosure is nothing special, sometimes there are better deals and much less hassle from private owners anyway.

Genuine Guidance2010-10-15T07:47:25Z

Call a local real estate agent

You can also visit trulia.com and look for houses that are REO or real estate owned.

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