i7 undervolting question?

I'm trying to bring my temps and power usage down a bit on an i7 930 (no OC). It idles ~42* C and at 30% load while playing bc2 it goes to about 67*. What would be a modest undervolt that wouldn't hit my performance too much? Also, what should the stock voltage be? I just left all of those settings at default but I would like to know anyway just to be sure.


Favorite Answer

I wouldn't feel good running it under 1v. But if you do put it that low you should lower its speeds too. I really just think you should get a better CPU cooler, and maybe better thermal paste.

I have a simple water cooling system, and with stock settings it idles at around 28*C and loads around 50


I read that the default vcore is around 1.2xx for the 930. Is it high at stock? Yes. You can definitly lower it I say 2 or 3 levels down. I don't believe doing this will lower your idle/load temps by a great degree, but it will help.

The best option's to buy an after-market air cooler and thermal paste. 42C at idle is pretty hot and 67C at 30% is also.