Halo Reach Gamers Clan?

I am looking to start a clan For Halo: Reach. I am looking for people who like to have fun aren't terrible serious, but also good. I want to find at least 3 or 4 more people that are on at night between 6pm and 10pm Standard Pacific Time. im in cali so if your in FLorida that would be 9pm to 1am. Im not expecting to play the entire time but just want people to group up with that are good. I my rank is in the 1500's and I only started playing online yesterday, im at just about 2-1 K/D ratio and haven't lost a game. My average kills per game are around 20-25. So hit me up with your xbl name and Ill invite you or you can add me but make sure you put that your from yahoo and ill know. otherwise ill decline it. Screen name is M1DG3TM45T3R


Are you just sad cuz your no good at it? how old are you. You sound like your 12 to be honest. What do you play?


Favorite Answer

Redd It is the dumbass...and is probably mad because he sucks...I'd love to if you are down for the same types of matches. I like Slayer, Swat and Doubles most of all. I'll play any other game mode except for big team battle. My tag is Sumo Diaper. I am just getting my groove back in Halo...stopped for a while...my highest kills in a game so far in Reach is 25, in Swat. But when I played Halo 3 avidly my freshman year of college, I would average that in any game mode really. Oh ya! I live in Michigan right now and am on all through the day really and heavily at night. I'm moving to San Diego soon, though. So timing isn't really a problem for me.


Galo: Reach Around blows... why would you buy it?
And no, I never played it (Sorry, I'm straight). I just know that dumbasses like yourself bought the exact same game 3 times in a row now.

Micky Wills2010-10-22T19:05:56Z

sound kl but soz im already in a clan. if you want your free to join. for more info on joining our clan go to: