Where can I find info on a possibly really old book?

Going through a box of books handed down from family, I cam across what looks to be a very old edition of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in burgundy cloth with black lettering on the spine. Besides the book title and author's last name is "Houghton Mifflin Co" at the bottom in the black lettering on the spine. Inside it says "The Riverside Press Cambridge" (NO YEAR). One illustration of "the cabin" on one of the pages just before the preface, no other illustrations that I saw quickly looking through the 500 pages.

I'm curious as to the year of printing (as it's not listed)


I also have a very revered (in the family) depression era cookbook (instructions and recipes)... the Uncle Tom's Cabin is much older than this book (from what I can tell from the binding, color of paper, etc). Less interested in the "can I sell this for bucks", more like "if this is over 100 years old, from the 1800's, that would be really cool" frame of mind.


Favorite Answer

AKA Maryn has good answers. Alibris is another good place to search.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was first published in 1852, but Houghton Mifflin didn't open until 1880, so your book isn't a first edition, and will probably not be worth much in money.

Unless the author signed it!!!


Aren't old books cool? Kenneth, I'd recommend seeking identical copies at ebay (bids will give you an idea what it's worth, and sellers may have more information on it) and at AbeBooks, which IIRC also has a forum where you can ask how to learn more about it.

The odds are good that its monetary worth isn't all that high, but still, you've got a treasure, IMO.