What's a sad song I can use for this power-point?

I need a song for the part of my power-point that's going to be about 9/11. Maybe one with just sad music and some girl singing... like they do for movies. I kind of would like it to not be by some one well known.. but it's okay if it is. I just want a somewhat quiet, tragic song to fit into it.


Favorite Answer

Sarah McLachlan - Arms Of An Angel
That's exactly the song you are looking for! I'll put a link for you so you can listen to it and know what I'm talking about. It's the perfect song! (:
Well hope I helped!


Man In The Mirror- Michael Jackson


The Dance by Garth Brooks


A Natural Disaster by Anathema.
its not tragic but its about can't changing what happened and with very nice soft female voice.

Kitty Kat2010-10-24T16:23:25Z

Silent Lucidity - Queensryche
Really sad about death and remembering.