Need help on the name of this MadTv skit!!?

Hey I need some help on finding this skit on Mad Tv where this lady is showing her grown children these home movies of her raising them and it has her roller skating, smoking and drinking with a child on the way. and when its born its very small and she puts it on the dashboard of the car. its a very funny skit. any help is appreciated!!


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I remembered Frank Colendo was in that skit. Looks like it was season 9 episode 12, title of skit should be Missing Film Strip. Stephanie Weir was the mom. Couldn't find it on youtube or hulu


SNL- I even have many...maximum modern-day: Justin Timberlake and Salvation military-kind"Santa" having a showdown on who can develop the main money... Christopher Walken and the "CowBell" skit (my FAV!) Alec 1st earl baldwin of bewdley and the "Schwety Balls"... MadTV- something with Stuart...or Lorriane