What's up with all the fake connections lately?

Every day, I am deleting a bunch of fake connection requests, some from generic names and some from a pile of random letters. What's going on? Yahoo get hacked again?


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I don't know if you can call it a "glitch" or spam or what----but you can thank Yahoo for this SNAFU.

This should stop them.
Mouse over your Hi Name (top left), and click on "Profile" to open your Pulse page.
On that page click on "settings" (top right).
Scroll to "Notifications" and click on "manage email notifications".
Then check the "NO boxes on the Invites". (all of them)
Click "Done".


I don't know but I've been, also, receiving at least 50 requests to connect with me on a daily basis for about a week now.

Perhaps Yahoo can fix this problem.

I'm afraid that it's some sort of scam.



I've been getting these too. I think it's Newell.